Make your own NFT.

As I head to the for a there's a few suggestions on the way. Main purpose of - I'm out of but I've collected regular in the as well. As I get nearer to a slot, there's the last few ideas from the . Do I want , no I make my own. How about an , nah, giving them up. Wait for it,,,do I need

fun weekend activity: buy a D20 keychain for your entire group

support a human artist today:

Premium Eco Hoodies & More SWAG ClassySavageArt

Guuuuurrrrl that's not how you use lipstick!
This opossom discovering beauty hacks is now available on my shop!

Blast into delicious space with this cosmic shirt!
Wanted to make an art deco style astro dog like shirt. Space toys not included.

beep beep!
Testing postybirb and tagging, but take a look at some stuff I have on my etsy!

And then I realized what I might be getting into for a a product shoot, and I walked away from this idea:

360 camera rig

Faircamp + Hubzilla = music site in the Fediverse

Here is an other proof of concept site by the #Hubzilla #CMS done with the blogbasic-one theme:
The #Fediverse Channel presents #music #webpages generated by #Faircamp / .
Have a look, listen and enjoy.

About the Channel

This pages are a demo site by for demonstrating how - a static site generator for audio producers - and Hubzilla - a #CMS for the Fediverse - can work together as one system to present music in a network like the .
By the decentralized #Fediverse network millions of attendees have the option to get in contact with you, follow and commend your #music releases and read all your news without depending on a single network provider.
With #Faircamp it is quid easy to generate beautiful looking webpages on your pc for presenting your audio files in the internet.
With #Hubzilla audio producer get the option to host this webpages easy on the web and in the Fediverse so that also a combination with your personal network news channel can be easy realized. Also they get the option to distributed files with the fine graded permissions system of Hubzilla. So not every thing has to be public and e.g. special downloads can be granted just to selected contacts and also connect to the Hubzilla #shop app.
In an ideal case an audio producer would install such a system under an own domain but also the option to host several artists under one hub URL may be interesting for some.
So for this demo site we were looking for a special musician and so we found the lovey music pieces by which are all licensed under copyleft licenses.
Have a look, listen and enjoy.

Mario Vavti Harald Eilertsen

It's a merch bonanza! Our latest collection is now available. From Unity Hoodies to the new single Take Your Toys Away T-Shirt, there's something for every fan. Shop now!

The Exciting Affiliate ShoppingPage

Shop Anything do some exciting Ainsworth Dickeson Shopping Commission Amazon Front Page. I have created a page on Amazon where I recommend various products for the public to , , and . Would you be the first one to give me your shopping support On This page, you will find every item for your home inside and outside.

launches Samsung App

TikTok wants to turn millions of Americans into paid shopping influencers

Shop is taking affiliate marketing one step further by allowing creators to sell directly through their videos.

has been trying to make its next revenue driver, after witnessing the explosive growth of live shopping on its Chinese Douyin. Over the past year, TikTok has aggressively recommended videos with shopping links.

Sometimes I wonder why I brought home a . Then I have one sitting in my lap all stretched out and purring her little heart out, while allowing me to pet her. Yeah, that's probably why I adopted my girls. don't .


Lettin' everyone know that I have a selection of bird birthday cards as well as holiday cards that I sell individually and in sets, if you're interested.

I've shared these images as free phone wallpapers over the years, so a quick perusal of my media tab can show you the gist of what they're like.

I print them and package them all myself from my studio. No AI nor manufacturing involved!

Yes, but Should I

If Im blunt with myself Ive already bit off more than I can reasonably chew in a reasonable amount of time, lol.

oh, and

Get unique designs from my shop ...

Cafe WordPress theme The perfect ingredient for a website perfection. This delicious coffee shop theme, made for every caf restaurant or bar, is packed with an amazing set of layouts and elements. Create an original restaurant presentation & allow your visitors to book a table easily with integrated plugins

WooCommerce: Automatically Apply Coupon Via URL

Chiado, Lisboa by Sr. Cordeiro

: Bridge 1, Hurleston Bridge
: road bridge
: Photo by Wildlife Terry on Flickr

Organic Dad Hat ClassySavageArt

Almost done creating few hundo new in unique = * steez (zero ) for next (s) & put up some fresh hoodies ClassySavageArt

Evacuating from two hurricanes is definitely a good way to see how much stuff you have. I'd like to clean house a bit & lighten some load!

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bib n' tucker

In this image, I wanted to capture the everyday scene of a laundromat, where clean clothes symbolize order and community life. The warm wood tones and simple layout evoke a sense of comfort, while the laundry machines represent the shared experiences of urban living.

Its . Have some on different products

The Exciting Affiliate ShoppingPage

Shop Anything do some exciting Ainsworth Dickeson Shopping Commission Amazon Front Page. I have created a page on Amazon where I recommend various products for the public to , , and . Would you be the first one to give me your shopping support On This page, you will find every item for your home inside and outside.

The shop's finally open again! Check it out for t-shirts, glow-in-the-dark-charms and more!

WooCommerce: Rename My Account Endpoint Page Title

Its a prime time to do some online shopping with many great books to add to your cart

TshirtArt - Payhip NEW T-SHIRT SHOP

Anyone selling on How well does it work

A History of Commerce.
Trudie Mason, ladies' underwear shop - in Exeter, c1987

Une bonne dose de belgitude pour dmarrer cette journe! Avec "Plaizier", non, peut-tre

Alle, Bonne journe, une fois!

Et en cadeau, une leon de "brusseler" :

A good dose of "Belgitude" to start this day! With "Plaizier", no, perhaps Alle, Have a good day, once! (free translation of the Brussels french dialect... you must experience it for yourself) :-)

Is there a virus attack on your phone D&R Electronix is here to protect your phones. Read more to learn how to keep your device safe from virus threats.

m&m experience shop, Orlando.

Theres a big, new, Tarjhet at 23rd and 8th! Welcome to Manhattan -
the in

The aro-ace Pride pin is for people who are both aromantic and asexual. Due to being largely left out of a sex and romance-obsessed society while not being generally accepted by the LGBT community, the cracked heart is healing with the bandage of self-acceptance.

No matter if you are aro-ace yourself or support people living a unique experience, this beautiful button is the perfect way to express that.

Chinese Fabric Finder