Make your own NFT.

WooCommerce: Read-only Checkout Fields

WooCommerce 8.5.1 issues with Web Access Firewalls (ModSecurity) 


Get various products on our New Bollywood design :

Just Announced!
"The Color Purple" arrives on Digital Tuesday, January 16! Order your copy now through Hotchka affiliates Amazon or iTunes!

SHOP UPDATE! Do you suffer from Coulrophobia, the fear of clowns Well, this sticker wont help with that one bit but at least you can show your disdain for those with a penchant for floppy shoes and baggy pants.

Order here:

WooCommerce 8.5.1 Released

"Schlauer i dWuche" - Wie sorgt Trustpilot fr vertrauenswrdige 'en
Seriser oder 'rfalle Gute oder Schrottware Millionen Menschen rund um den Globus orientieren sich beim auch an den Bewertungen von . Allein im Jahr 2022 wurden dort rund 50 Millionen Kommentare abgegeben.

Ich habe dem noch nie vertraut, da des fteren sehr viele sich dort selber als vertrauenswrdig verkaufen.


'Chasing Destiny' ... An Acrylic Painting on Canvas by Phalguni Roy

Buy This Art ....

The Wool Seller by Roberto Pazzi

My new stickers for January finally came in! After a little hiccup with the printers, I will be able to post this month's shop update. Any guesses at what they could be Stay tuned!

Me and tins of sardines... This photo I took on my cheapest film, unfortunately in low light it resorts to golden colors, which is interesting in its own way. Canned sardines are very popular in Portugal.
Smena-8 (LOMO, USSR, 1963)
Watameter Super Rangefinder (Edmund Wateler, Braunschweig, West Germany, 1954)
Kodak VISION3 250D (ECN2)

DrixPell Store - The Ultimate Vector Store for your Creative Projects!

Buy on Gumroad:

Buy on Ko-Fi:

More Info:

Sales of pen plots, vinyl printed goods, and more.

I am looking for recommendations for a / software, preferably for my for (no service recommendations please, this is not a thing I can throw margins at)

It can be pretty barebone, but it should have cart, checkout, payment processing integration.

The thing I'd like it to have is an to create product, upload media, order handling and so on.

Which Thrift Store SCAMS the Most!
*shoe resellers are the worst!*

Low Income Tip #30: One man's trash is another person's treasure. Garage sales often contain opportunities to buy items a huge discount that you can re-sell at a higher price. Facebook marketplace and Kijiji are also great places to buy and sell used items.... Next Tip Jan 19 2024

Update on the WooCommerce 8.5 known issue

Good morning,

This is

January Office Hours

DrixPell Store - The Ultimate Vector Store for your Creative Projects!

Buy on Gumroad:

Buy on Ko-Fi:

More Info:

DrixPell Store - The Ultimate Vector Store for your Creative Projects!

I am pleased to announce that I opened a vector design store! There, I will create different types of designs, so you can buy them and use in all kinds of projects, unlimitedly.

More Info:

WooCommerce: How to Reuse Zoom/Lightbox Scripts On Non-Product Images

WooCommerce: Remove (optional) From Checkout Field Labels

Grocery (food). Angls, France, January 2024.
Emmanuel Veneau (cc by-nc-sa)

WooCommerce 8.5.0 Released

Store Editing Snaps: December 18 29

Office Hours Notes: New Product Editor Experience

Paws up if you're excited! Our exclusive pet boutique is almost here, bringing a splash of style to your pet's life.

Gear up for the grand unveiling of
Launching soon!

Handyhllen (bei diesem Anbieter nur iPhone und Samsung Galaxy) gehen auch.
Wenn man sowas ber einen eigenen verkaufen will muss man sich vermutlich beim als anmelden, oder

Bit in your face !


Hey pixel art lovers, I have on a shop on Ko-fi! Come check it out. (Doing just backdrops at the moment)

Edit: backdrops are stuff you can put on custom shirts, mugs, blankets, etc. (too dependant on others to do tee/merch...)

Letzte Handgriffe fr die neue Rathauspassage

Ein Caf, ein Shop, eine Buchhandlung und eine Hamburg-Info sollen dort Platz finden. Erffnung ist im Mrz.

During nightshifts, we always find ways to entertain ourselves

WooCommerce 8.5 RC Released

Nice shopping attire

Clear heels are always so sexy.

12 Days of Christmas
in Knightsbridge
